One of the first private destination management companies in Russia
“They had the most fabulous time and were extremely positive about the trip. Please pass our thanks to everyone involved at the hotel. Here is some feedback on the trip.Laurie Werner, who writes for Forbes Magazine in the USA
- Gulia was a great success and did a brilliant job. She was knowledgeable, flexible, helpful and great company. Please do pass on our special thanks to her for all her hard work.
- They adored the ballet and you got them amazing seats.
- All visits wonderful and you navigated the huge crowds well.
- They took themselves off to the opening of the bridges (01h10am) with the huge crowds that attend that, and really enjoyed it.
- The Astoria was definitely the best choice in the city. Great rooms, grand enough without being over the top, definitely the best location. They loved overlooking St Isaacs and the staff were great, the service was excellent and the food delicious. The whole place was sparkling and clearly the management are doing a great job.
Maxine Albert, who writes for Jax Fax Travel Magazine and Bella New York and Los Angeles”